Thursday, August 26, 2010

Getting rid of Fruit Flies

Thank you, Mom! She sent me this recipe and it worked, so I want to share it with you. It took a few days but, this morning my kitchen was free of those little boogers!

1/2 cup Vinegar
2 TBSP Sugar
1 tsp dish soap

I moved and scrubbed every hard surface in my kitchen, it is AMAZING what you can find under your toaster, who knew? We were very careful to make sure that if so much as a drop of Kool-aid made it on the counter to wipe it up. Then I sat 2 baby food jars full of this bug killing juice in my kitchen and... YEAH! I counted over 30 of them in the bottom of just one jar.

1 comment:

  1. I am constantly battling these critters and I will definitely try this method! Thank you, Chaney!
